奉獻 Giving

We give thanks to God for your offering. Thank you for supporting the ministry of St. Louis Chinese Christian Church (SLCCC). You may give using one of the options below. 

网上奉献 Online Offering


注:您可以在手机上安装Church Center的APP来进行奉献或查看奉献记录

支票 Check

支票奉獻:直接把支票(擡頭寫 SLCCC) 投入教會奉獻箱,或郵寄支票到教會。郵寄地址:SLCCC, 832 N Wood Mill Rd, Chesterfield, MO 63017。
You can give by check (payable to SLCCC) by placing it in the offering boxes at church or mailing it to the church. Mailing address: SLCCC, 832 N Wood Mill Rd, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

現金 Cash

Cash offerings can be placed directly in the offering boxes at church. You may place the cash in an envelope and write your name on it, so that the church can issue you an offering receipt.

網上銀行支付 Bill Pay

銀行賬單支付奉獻:許多銀行提供“賬單支付”(Bill Pay)的免費服務,通常用於支付賬單, 也可用於教會奉獻。奉獻頻度可以是一次性或設置為定期。設置 Bill Pay 的具體步驟如下
Procedures for setting up “Bill Pay” are as follows:

  1. 登陸您的銀行網站Online banking, 在 Bill Pay 服務下, 添加一個“公司”
    From your online banking, add a business under “Bill Pay”
  2. Name (名字): SLCCC
  3. Address (地址): 832 N Wood Mill Rd, Chesterfield, MO 63017
  4. Phone (電話): 314-878-8574

若有任何問題,請聯係曾小萍姊妹。Please contact sister Xiaoping He for questions @314-803-8602; finance@slccc.org.