GA (Grace Advance) 介绍与交流会更新

Grace Advance 介绍
GA長老 Carl Hargrove:
GA長老 George Crawford:

8/23 更新Update:

感謝神,八月四日晚與 GA 長老交流的視頻已經整理好。如果弟兄姐妹 想要觀看,可以聯繫任何一位執事。在八月二十四日週一晚七點到 七點半,執事們會在網絡上回答弟兄姐妹關於 GA 的問題,如果有其它 關於教會的問題也可以屆時提問。在八月三十一日晚週一晚七點到 七點半,GA 長老會在網絡上回答弟兄姐妹關於 GA 的相關問題。這 兩個聚會以後會每三週一次在週一晚上七點到七點半。這兩個交流聚會 的 Zoom 會議號是:874 8664 3526,密碼是:898500
Praise the Lord that the meeting record of the communication with elders on 8/4 is ready. If you want to have access, please contact any deacon. On 8/24 from 7pm to 7:30pm, deacons will answer GA related questions online. You can ask any other questions as well if you have any. On 8/31 from 7pm to 7:30pm, GA elders will answer questions online. These two meetings will be held every three weeks on Mondays 7pm to 7:30pm. Zoom meeting ID for these two meetings is: 874 8664 3526 and the passcode is 898500.


GA (Grace Advance) 的兩位長老 (Carl Hargrove 和 George Crawford) 來我們教會和教會 執事們以及弟兄姐妹見面交流的具體時間安排如下。有兩個時間段提供 給教會的弟兄姐妹們,請弟兄姐妹們務必預留時間參加。
1). 八月三日,週一晚 7:30-9:30 – 和執事們交流
2). 八月四日,週二下午 3:00-5:00 – 和教會弟兄姐妹交流,問答 (教會大堂)
3). 八月四日,週二晚 7:30-9:30 – 給不能參加周二下午交流的弟兄姐妹 提供另一個時間交流,問答(教會大堂,同時有 ZOOM)
4). 八月五日,週三上午 9:00-12:00 – 再次和執事們交流
The schedule for two GA (Grace Advance) elders’ (Carl Hargrove and George Crawford) visit to our church is as following. There are two time slots for church brothers and sisters to choose from, please be sure to participate.
1). 8-3-20, Monday 7:30 pm – 9:30pm – Meet with the deacons.
2). 8-4-20, Tuesday 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Session with church; Q & A. (Location: church sanctuary.)
3). 8-4-20, Tuesday 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm – Part of the congregation (who can’t make it during Tuesday daytime).
Location: church sanctuary, Zoom also available.
4). 8-5-20, Wednesday 9:00 am -12:00 pm – Another meeting with the deacons